Thursday, November 25, 2010

What The F*** Has Obama Done So Far?

In honor of this new website promoting Obama's achievements, I'd like to point all the things he has FAILED to do while in office that he should have been doing.

(1) Failed to repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
(2) Failed to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act
(3) Failed to have a public option included in the Health Care Bill
(4) Failed to beat back a Democratic-sponsored amendment to the Health Care Bill attacking women's rights
(5) Failed to remove and replace key Bush-era officials controlling (suppressing) science policy
(6) Failed to pass comprehensive Climate Change legislation
(7) Failed to discredit and brush off the Tea Party
(8) Failed to defend the left-wing and mainstream media from Republican/Fox Noise attacks
(9) Failed to exit the war in Afghanistan during the first term of his presidency
(10) Failed to close the Guantanamo Bay prison
(11) Failed to forcefully respond to the Texas Textbook Massacres
(12) Failed to restore protective regulations on corporations
(13) Failed to prevent 3 Big Banks from absorb all their competitors and creating a de facto monopoly
(14) Failed to realize that its a bad idea to mess with the tax code
(15) Failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform
(16) Failed to protect latino citizens from racial profiling

Just generally failed to turn the country in a more liberal direction (the mandate he was given in 2008)
During his presidency Republicans have gained ground in nearly every area they have put up a fight.

Honestly, I plan on voting against Obama in the Primaries in 2012.

I still haven't decided if I will vote for him in the general,

Common Sense

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Media Malpractice: Fox News Rejects Pro-DADT Repeal Advertisements

But they are totally fair and balanced right?  It's not like they are trying to push an agenda.  Who would ever suggest such a thing...

Huffington Post

Common Sense

TeaBaggers: Polls Show Tea Party values are NOT shared by "average" Americans

There's a shock!  Where the hell was this information 18 months ago?  Where was this information last summer when the media across the spectrum was treating the Tea Partiers like the God-sent representatives of the people?  Where the hell was this information when it could have been of some use?!

As far as I'm concerned this is just more evidence of the extreme cowardice of the left-leaning media.  They have become so unjustifiably afraid of being bashed by Fox Noise, that they are no longer doing their jobs!

Exibit A: NYT Investigation of incoming GOP Senator drops AFTER election

Exibit B: Tea Baggers are NOT "average" Americans

Two articles that could have been damning to the Tea Party Republicans, and we don't hear about it until after the damage has been done.


Common Sense

Texas Priest Hires Hitman to Kill Child who Accused him of Abuse

Apparently these are the moral people we are supposed to emulate...

There isn't really anything to say about this.

Huffington Post

Common Sense

The Vatican: Condoms are A-OK*

The Vatican has loosened the leashed on it's sad, ignorant flock today.  For the first time, the Vatican has sanctioned the use of condoms, but so far, only as a means of combating HIV.  Apparently, they believe that it is the lesser of two evils.  I still don't see how the rubber shield is evil, but I suppose in the brainwashed mind of the Christian person, it makes perfect sense.

Huffington Post

All mocking aside, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome the Vatican to the 20th century.  Perhaps sometime soon they can join us in the 21st century, though I'm not holding my breath.

Common Sense

Monday, November 22, 2010

Religious Right: "It's more patriotic to kill the enemy than to save fellow soldiers"

Christian Right Activist Blasts Medal of Honor as 'Feminized'

Click Here

Moral teachings from the Religious Right: We should only honor those soldiers who kill others, not those who save others.

Is there anything less Christian?

Common Sense