Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Neo-Con Agenda: The GOP's Medicare Problem (Hypocrisy)

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has made a rather embarrassing series of press releases the past two days.  Apparently, he has taken both a pro- AND anti-Medicare stance.

Media Matters for America first reported this story this morning.

On December 6th, Mitch McConnell was the defender of Medicare and seniors against the onslaught of the Democratic chopping block.

However, the very next day, his conservative animosity toward government programs takes over and he is attacking the government program as a financial disaster.

It's enough to make you wonder what exactly his goal is.  My analysis is that he's attempting to have his cake and eat it too.  he wants the democrats to do nothing to reinforce good policies so that he can continue to destroy our country when the republicans eventually re-take power through a campaign of fear and lies.  Republicans want power so they can have power, Democrats actually want to do something for people.  who would you want in power?

Common Sense