Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Michele Bachmann Watch: "Loose" Ladies Introduce Their 2010 Calendar

Being a native of the great state of Minnesota, I feel it is my responsibility to call out the politicians who make our state look bad on a daily basis.  Thus, I will be keeping you continuously updated on the outrageous disaster that is Michele Bachmann.

On October 2, 2009 the Clare Boothe Luce ("Loose") Policy Institute will officially release their 2010 Calendar of "Great American Conservative Women."  Quick side note, doesn't that name just sound kinda weird?  Go ahead, say it again.  I think it's too long (not to mention stupid).  anyway back to the point.  I think it's funny that all these great conservative women fit on one calendar, although to be honest, I think they were at a loss because I don't recognize some of these ladies.  At any rate guess who is Ms. November!!

Yup, Minnesota's own crazy congresswoman is gracing the month of november.  Honestly, who is out there going "OMG, please someone help me pass the next two days, I'm not sure I can wait that long to get this calendar."  Some nutjob with a pick-up, a shot gun, and a southern drawl I'm sure.

P.S. Isn't November the month they give to the losers??  awe, no one tell Michele

Other neo-con nutjobs who will be joining Michele includeBay Buchanan, S.E. Cupp, Star Parker, Phyllis Schlafly, Kellyanne Conway, Ann "Coultergeist" Coulter, Kate Obenshain, Michelle Malkin and Marji Ross.

Common Sense

Race to Replace the Governator

So, someone asked me recently who was running for Governator next year.  I realized I only knew of one, even though I knew the field was growing pretty rapidly.  So, for those inquiring minds, here is a list of the 5 candidates who have entered the race so far (I'll try to add new people as they show up).

FYI: Don't expect me to be impartial because some of these people are just plain wrong...

Gavin Newsom For a Better California

     The Mayor of San Francisco that poured gas onto the gay marriage flame in 2004 is back and running for governor.  Mayor Newsom is the only candidate I have seen yet with a "Marriage Equality" section in his website where he specifically states his commitment to helping repeal Prop 8.  Now here is a guy with some serious cojones!  Oh and just in case you didn't know, after Newsom turned marriage equality into front page news in San Francisco by offering marriage licenses in 2004, he kicked his opponent's hindquarters royally in his 2007 re-election bid after winning 74% of the vote.  When does that EVER happen in politics.  Looks like you CAN win and support gay rights!

     Jerry Brown is currently the Attorney General for the state of California.  Born in 1938, this gentleman has definitely had an interesting past that includes a vote of chastity, getting his butt whipped by Clinton for the national presidential nomination in 1992, and, get this, he's already been Governor!  TWICE!  Aside from the obvious "isn't there a term limit issue?" question, this guy looks like a decent guy who's done some pretty awesome stuff for the state of california and the country.  His website is a little dark and dreary though, so maybe someone should help him out with that.

Meg Whitman 2010: A New California
     This Ebay exec is the most recent addition to the republican field.  Meg has decided that only three things matter to California: Creating jobs, cutting spending, and fixing education.  I agree with her on two of those, but seriously, THREE issues?  California only has three issues we need to worry about?  it's not like we are the 8th largest economy in the world with 55 Million people living here or anything.  Anyway, lets get back on topic.  according to Ms. Whitman we are going to add jobs by cutting taxes, we are going to cut spending by cutting jobs (I kid you not, she seriously said that, check the website), and we are going to fix education by giving each school a letter grade A-F.  Yeah, not only do those two first parts just plain sound stupid, but the third part isn't even close to the solution we need in education.  According to Ms. Whitman the problem is that teachers and the state controls education and she wants to give that control back to parents.  Trust me, you're not the only one.  LAUSD has been working on that for some time now, but the parents in the inner city just don't have time for that.  Lack of parental involvement is the problem and they have been trying to solve it for years, I doubt the fact that you have only now realized this is a problem is going to have much effect!  so anyway, I hope I have influenced you not to vote for this individual.

Steve Poizner for Governor 2010
     Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner is a man of "integrity" and strong "ethical sense."  Or so his bio would have you believe.  Now this is the same bio that includes a random line about September 11, 2001 that doesn't really make sense where it is placed (not to suggest he's trying to capitalize on a national tragedy or anything).  So, rather than dwell on what could easily be a slip up by a stupid intern who doesn't realize that's not smart or appropriate, lets move on to the issues.  Mr. Poizner has some really innovative ideas for California.  Tax Cuts.  Oh wait, we've tried that, and I'm pretty sure we've all got the economic woes to prove that doesn't work, but by all means Mr. Poizner, continue ignoring that little wrinkle.  I think it is also somewhat amusing that his education plan actually sounds good.  I'm not kidding I support his eduction agenda.  Let teachers and administrators have more control (good).  Spend more on higher education (Awesome!).  Question: how exactly are you going to do that while also cutting taxes?  oops sorry, didn't mean to throw a wrench into that.  carry on.

Tom Campbell: CAmpbell for California (cute, huh?)
     (Oh yeah, he went there with the picture).  Now here is a guy who I personally really want running the 8th largest economy in the world (*SARCASM*).  This guy has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago... Take a moment for that to sink in... Ph.D. ... Economics... U Chicago... Yeah, my first thought was "holy shit man, you must be hella smart!" Oh wait, it gets better.  His faculty advisor was Milton Freidman.  Yeah, pretty crazy right.  Well, for those of you who made the connection this might make him smart, and educated by one of the pioneers of free market thinking, unfortunately, it also makes his economic policies... well... wrong!  As we've seen the free market doesn't work the way its supposed to.  Unfortunately greed and our own human flaws always get in the way of pure market forces.  thats just reality (example: the past 12 months).  So, this world view has failed in the past, it failed now, isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result?  yeah, it is.  so Mr. CAmpbell is either stupid or insane for advocating failed economic policies.  I'm not sure I want either of those as my governor.

Hope you enjoyed this little information session on the candidates for the #1 job in the state of California.  I'll keep my eyes and ears open for new personalities as they pop into the race.  Lets hope their ideas are a little bit better than a late realization that we have problems in education and wanting to cut taxes.

Common Sense

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Neo-Con Nutjobs: March for White Civil Rights

Yes, there are people out there stupid enough to think that white people are being denied civil rights.  Now, I'm as critical of the social justice movement as anyone, but I do so not from a "stop and reverse" mentality, but from a "we need an endgame" mentality.  This is far from the lunatics that actually believe that the beating on a bus (which may or may not have been racially motivated in the first place), means that we need to go back to segregated buses to protect white children.

Yes, that language should sound eerily familiar.  It's the same (or similar) to the language used by anti-integration white folks 40 years ago who were opposed to bussing.

Please enjoy this thoroughly entertaining article about one of the Neo-Cons premier thinkers and the fall out from his rediculous rants.


The Gate Attendant Gave Me Sass!!

So, I decided I wanted to drive to work today.  I had a tough workout, my butt is sore from doing squats and I just didn't want to rush my shower to catch the bus.  So, I drive to campus and go to park in PSD.  I pull up and the conversation goes as follows:

Me: Hey, can I get a parking pass? (I fumble in my wallet for my credit card)

Gate Attendent: Mumbles incorently...

Me: I'm sorry, what was that?

Gate Attendent: Did you read the sign?

Me: Oh, no I must have missed it.

Gate Attendent: No one reads the sign.  you can't park here today.

Me: Where can I park?

Gate Attendent: Did you read the sign?

Me: (now irritated) NO, I didn't read the sign

Gate Attendent: Read the sign.

Me: (now VERY irritated) There are people behind me, I can't back up to read the sign.  Please tell me where I can park? (Jackass)

Gate Attendent: Why don't people read the sign?  no one reads the sign.  You need to park in PS2.

Me: Where is that?  wait... nevermind, I'll find it.  (Thanks, because I needed you to be an asshole to me, otherwise I might not have had a good day today! *SARCASM*)

So, as if this wasn't frustrating enough, I go to pull out of the parking lot to make my way to where I think PS2 is, and the young lady next to me decided it is acceptable for her to turn left from the right lane, and that doing so 2 inches from my car (while I am going straight in the left lane) is the sensible time to do it.


Trashy Much?

It sounded stupid when people used to go around saying "I like it when you call me big papa," so what exactly made you think it would be less stupid as a T-shirt design!?  GET IT TOGETHER!

I actually kinda like this next one.  Cute, a little queer (in an almost artistic sense), with a hint of nonconformity.  I approve.

Win Back Marriage in CA: 2010 vs. 2012

 vs.  + return to homepage

So, for those who have been living in a cave for the past couple months, you might be unaware that there is a deep (and growing) schism between the major LGBT groups in California.  Equality California, arguably the best known organization, has opted to build a foundation and attack Prop 8 in 2012.  Courage Campaign and Love, Honor, Cherish (LHC), two other major players on the LGBT scene, have decided to take the fight to the 2010 ballot, guns blazing, fallout be damned.

Why 2010: It's fast, it's dirty, its the kind of shock and awe campaign that gays and lesbians have been screaming for since November 2008.  Our blood is burning and everyone wants a piece of this action.  The 2010 crowd will have no problem getting volunteers for their signature gathering and for the next year every gay person from San Francisco to West Hollywood is going to be ready to shell out big bucks to punish the mormons, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), the religious right, the Republicans, and anyone else who ever dared to take away what we fought so hard to achieve (not that it's been much of a fight, but thats a rant for another post).  In short, 2010 is about capitalizing on the rage while its still burning hot.

Why 2012: It's deliberate, it's inclusive, and it's the kind of long-term thinking our community has sorely lacked since the birth of the movement over 40 years ago.  The strategy EQCA has outlined will bring together the elements we lost in 2008 (Blacks, Latinos, and Religious Progressives just to name a few).  They will also use these 3 years to build a monetary base to fight the millions that religious radicals can funnel into the state at a moments notice.  They will also use the time to built a foundation of voter and high ranking support that will be necessary to lasting change in California culture (and eventually American culture).  Where the 2010 people are banking on the hope that lots of noise and fist pounding will force open the doors of change, EQCA is building a big ass ram to smash the door off its hinges.

What do I think:  I think these organizations need to put their pride (forgive the pun) back in the closet and leave it there until this is all over.  I'm sick and tired of hearing the two sides try to one up each other.    Think about it for a second.  Let's say I am EQCA.  I punish CC and LHC because they are being silly and wont agree with me.  I do everything in my power to make things harder for them.  If they win in 2010, I look like the idiot who wouldn't get on board and I go from #1 organization in CA to sad afterthought.  NO ONE will want to donate to us, join our causes, or be our friend.  Now, lets say for a moment they lose... now its my turn.  BUT now CC and LHC are pissed at me and think I lost the 2010 measure because I held out on them.  Rather than coalescing into a unified 2012 campaign, EQCA goes it alone with donors who are worn out and bitter, other organizations who are worn out and bitter, and a voter base that is sick of me because (they think) I let me arrogant sense of my own righteousness get in the way of their victory.

If there is one thing I have learned from my days in politics and the endless days and nights of CNN and Fox News, it is that as long as the question is 2010 vs. 2012, the answer will be we lose.  If we fight amongst ourselves, even behind closed doors, we better hope that people's "hearts and minds" change pretty fast because we aren't impressing anyone.  End of discussion.

Quick Fix:  EQCA needs to get off its butt and get in the game.  I'm not saying they have to give 100% to the 2010 cause, but they need to at least LOOK like they are supporting the cause.  Whether or not they do is for them to decide, but get out there and be the voice of equality in ANY year, not just the year you picked.  If you get asked a question, don't avoid (I HATE avoidance), give a solid answer that supports and affirms the organizations fighting for 2010 but also recognizing that EQCA is doing something bigger than just marriage, they are fighting for both social and political change and that is a longer battle.  Why: Because we are going to lose in 2010.  Everyone knows it.  when that happens EQCA is either going to come out as the hero who had the foresight to prepare for another 2 year fight, or the brat saying "I told you so."

My Advice: LHC and CC, give EQCA a break.  They are just as committed as you, they are just more cautious in preparing for a longer fight.  And also, be ready to suck it up and jump on their bandwagon if you lose.  EQCA, get in the game.  even if it means you have to commit some resources to 2010, if you don't start looking like you are in this pretty soon, you've got no hope of being the savior this movement in CA is going to need in a year.  The fate of this whole deal is really in your hands and you can either play the politically savvy card and be a hero, or you can be stubborn and we are all going to have to get used to not being able to get married in CA.  Not really a hard choice.

Let's use some common sense!

Monday, September 28, 2009

No on 1: "Clearing Up Distortions"

Suck on that you bigots!

Now why couldn't we hit em hard like that in California?
Maybe next time...

Michele Bachmann Watch: Cutting is the Answer to Health Care Reform

Being a native of the great state of Minnesota, I feel it is my responsibility to call out the politicians who make our state look bad on a daily basis.  Thus, I will be keeping you continuously updated on the outrageous disaster that is Michele Bachmann.

michele-bachmann.jpg image by konagod"This [health care reform] cannot pass…What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass…Right now, we are looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom. And we may never be able to restore it if we don’t man up and take this one on." 
There is something VERY wrong with this woman.  VOTE HER OUT MINNESOTA!