On October 2, 2009 the Clare Boothe Luce ("Loose") Policy Institute will officially release their 2010 Calendar of "Great American Conservative Women." Quick side note, doesn't that name just sound kinda weird? Go ahead, say it again. I think it's too long (not to mention stupid). anyway back to the point. I think it's funny that all these great conservative women fit on one calendar, although to be honest, I think they were at a loss because I don't recognize some of these ladies. At any rate guess who is Ms. November!!
Yup, Minnesota's own crazy congresswoman is gracing the month of november. Honestly, who is out there going "OMG, please someone help me pass the next two days, I'm not sure I can wait that long to get this calendar." Some nutjob with a pick-up, a shot gun, and a southern drawl I'm sure.
P.S. Isn't November the month they give to the losers?? awe, no one tell Michele
Other neo-con nutjobs who will be joining Michele include: Bay Buchanan, S.E. Cupp, Star Parker, Phyllis Schlafly, Kellyanne Conway, Ann "Coultergeist" Coulter, Kate Obenshain, Michelle Malkin and Marji Ross.
Common Sense
ann coulter..?? by including her in ANYTHING it pretty much makes it null and void...