Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tea Baggers: Second Civil War?

It's a sad state of affairs when I find an idea advocated by the teabaggers to be at least moderately desirable, although I doubt I would enjoy it for the same reasons.

Apparently, the tea baggers have created flags for a movement called the "second" revolution.  As seen in this article about the Brown victory in MA.

This second revolution involves splitting the United states into 2 countries:  24 Democratic States and 24 Republican States.  Apparently California and New York (Notorious bastions of liberalism) will be split in half and each half free to pick whichever side they want to join.  How nice of them to split let the republicans in the liberal states choose, but I have to wonder about the liberals in Texas.

So, as far as I'm concerned this doesn't sound like too bad an idea.  I would love to live in a country where everyone is as liberal as I am and I would never have to deal with another ignorant neo-con again.  So, for my part, I say lets do it.  Let's split the country up.  All the blue states can be the Democratic States of American (DSA).  We'll have the best schools, the best art, the best health care, better pay for women, affirmative action for minorities, and the freedom to live our lives without government or religious intervention.  Why would any liberal object to this idea????

Common Sense

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