Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sarah Palin: Fire Rahm Emanuel

Let me start by saying I am not at all a fan of Mr. Emanuel.  Most of the time I find him smug, unpleasant, manipulative, and crude.  further, being that he is chief of staff, much of the blame for a lousy first year can be laid at his feet as much as Obama's.  However, I think Palin is, at best, exaggerating the severity of his crime if she thinks he should be fired for calling other Democrats retarded when they were threatening to jump on the anti-health reform band wagon.

The fact that Palin wants him fired for using the word "retarded" isn't what pisses me off about this situation.  What pisses me off is that she is using her child's tragic disorder as a means for grabbing the media spotlight once again AND for furthering her extremist neo-con agenda to bring down the administration.  I think that is reprehensible and she should be ashamed.

Now, lets be clear, what he said deserves a swift and serious response.  I would agree that there is a similar sentiment surrounding the work retarded and the n-word.  both are justifiably offensive and should be avoided in civilized daily conversation.  However, this is an opportunity to smack some sense into Rahm, not fire him.  The movement to fire him is tantamount to more of the same neo-con bullcrap, that they have been throwing at all of Obama's nominees, appointments, etc.  They need to get over it and stop trying to throw everything including the kitchen sink at the guy for screwing up.  Admonish him sure, but Obama isn't the one losing credibility because he throws a temper tantrum every time someone doesn't single-handedly save the economic turmoil left by failed Republican policies or isn't able to keep himself from using bad language.  Not that the neo-cons have much credibility these days among people with any semblance of common sense.  Most of their constituents are so stupid they still think Obama is a racist, socialist foreigner.  Plus, since when do republicans give a damn about vulnerable groups?

But by all means, let's keep feeding the ignorance and pandering to the anger of stupid people.  Way to go GOP, really raising the bar on that one.  Sarah, the guy screwed up.  Admonish him, then get over it and do something constructive with your time instead of using your children for political gain.  perhaps an education campaign would be a better use of your time than destroying out political system.  just a thought.

Common Sense

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