I'll share just a couple of the things that went on at the GOP sponsored event.
First, it was sponsored by none other than my favorite psycho-talking, abortion obsessed, wrist slicing, Minnesota congresswoman, Michele Bachmann. As such, this was destined to be a doozy.
Second, did anybody else notice the Rep. Boehner (R-Ohio) misquote the constitution while he was apparently reading directly from it? Sorry buddy, but "we hold these truths" is some a different document that neo-cons like to quote because it says "under god." You really should figure out the different because one declares freedom, and the other sets up the government. Those are not really the same thing. And just to make this point even more ironic, there was apparently a woman holding up a sign saying "Is the Constitution another thing you haven't read?" Wasn't it Michele Bachman who said she couldn't read? and didn't Rep. Boehner just prove he had not read the constitution in a while? *sigh* it must be hard being so hypocritical.
Third, there were about 5,000 people there, not 25,000-30,000 as reported by FreedomWorks (although who is surprised that they are inflating statistics for personal gain?). Perhaps if Republicans were not so angry with education, they would have gotten enough of it to recognize that their estimate was about 5-6 times larger than the more realistic accounts. There were even some brilliant neo-cons claiming that there were "about a million" people there. WTF? thats pushing it. put who knows, I wasn't there, so lets compare some pictures and get some perspective.
When Barack Obama was Inaugurated as president there were about 1.5 million people present. Here are some pictures.

Ok, so you would expect the Anti-Health Care rally to look something like that. lets see some of those pictures.
Now, I could be completely wrong here, but that doesn't LOOK like it's anywhere near 1 million people. In fact, I don't think it even looks like ten thousand. I kinda think the 5,000 is a better estimate, don't you? oh well, it was prolly just a simple mistake, couldn't have possibly been a purposeful attempt to overstate their numbers to try and influence policy makers. That would just be unethical.
Finally, you simply can't pay for irony like this. Sometimes the universe just drop these beauties in your lap. Apparently, a man at the Anti-Health Care rally suffered a heart attack, and had to be resuscitated by government health officials. That doesn't strike anyone else as kind of awkward? A man benefits from government health care while rally against it. Rep. Boehner managed to corral that cameras away from the ironic image by reading aloud from the constitution and screwing it up. I guess something like that might be misconstrued by the media as meaningful when really that guy was just inconvenient for Republicans trying to make a point. it's almost as though they were saying "Seriously, how dare he have a heart attack right now, and if you are going to have one, could he possibly just die quickly so we can get on with our rally?" Didn't somebody say something just like that not too long ago about the republican plan?
Common Sense
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