Monday, November 9, 2009

Tea Baggers: It's Official!

So, normally I would just chalk up the Tea Bagger Movement (TBM) to a neo-con attempt at derailing the president, but it has taken on a life of it's own.  That's right, somehow the extreme right neo-cons have managed to spawn something even further right than they are.  The TBM (does that make it sound like an STI? hehe) has begun to border on anarchist with their plethora of anti-tax slogans, pro-Glenn Beck psychosis, and open hostility toward those who disagree with them.

I find myself asking how long it will be before they become violent?  This fear is drawn from two examples from the most recent rally at the capital.  First, the sign comparing health care to the holocaust.  Does that mean you are planning a Tea Bagger D-Day (or T-Day, pun intended)?  are you going to "liberate" the capital through the violent overthrow of the democratically elected Democratic party?  Perhaps a round of Defenestration just for good measure?  Second, Keith Olberman did a pretty good job of covering the hated of these people.

Pretty scary right.

Well thats not entirely what I want to cover.  The hateful, anti-american, anti-government, anti-responsibility protesters are now an official PARTY!  The Tea Beggers are now a recognized party in the state of Florida.  They are promising to run a candidate against the democrats and republicans in the next election.

Aside from this being a little nutty and sad, is it necessarily a bad thing for Democrats or even Republicans?  I don't think so.  For Democrats it is an opportunity to split the Republican party into two parties, and it also alienates candidates from their extremist base.  For Republicans it might help to free them from the right-wing extremist who have taken over their party.  So, to me it seems like a win-win situation.  If anything this will just help us focus our scorn on the Tea Baggers.

P.S. It isn't live now, but the website for this group is

Please ridicule at your leisure.

Common Sense

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