Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell: Drawing the Battle Lines!

Less than 24 hours after President Obama the battle lines are being drawn in the media.

The immediate response was quite clear:
The Joint Chiefs of Staff snubbed the president by neither standing nor applauding as they had done for previous military related statements in the State of the Union.  Think Progress points this out in one of their posts.  What is truly troubling is that the joint chiefs broke with tradition to applaud and even stand for any of the statements made during the speech.  Traditionally, the "non-political" branches of government (military and judicial) never even move during the entire speech, much less applaud or stand.  The rareness of the constant standing and sitting of the JCOS made it even more embarrassing when they sat completely still during the one sentence regarding DADT.

Human Rights Campaign immediately launched the "Voices of Honor" campaign in response to the presidents call to end DADT.  The campaign will be expanding their field and legislative efforts in anticipation of a House and Senate vote on the issue sometime this year.

Here's an example of the hysterical DADT opposition:
Apparently, in defending DADT an advocate blamed the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison on the admission of women into the military.  WOMEN!  not gays, women!  So not only are we not going forward, we are going backwards.  wow...

So, here's where we are today.

Common Sense

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