Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What should we take away from the Massachusetts election?

So here's my take on what we should take away from the MA election.

(1) It really didn't have that much to do with health care.  This was articulately presented by Think Progress.  Basically, the number of people who cared about health care doesn't make up for the giant shift in votes from Democrat to Republican.

(2) Just because it's a blue state doesn't mean you can take it for granted.  Coakley wasted her lead by allowing Brown to slander her for weeks without response.  Then when her political machine finally woke up, it was too late to beat the momentum.

(3) The masses are NOT political animals.  They believe what they are told and their vote is influenced by ridiculously stupid things.  Brown appealed to their ignorance and their anger, Coakley appealed to... well... nothing.  Independents (ignorant swing voters) liked the pretty guy who validated their anger and shifted their focus from bad business practices and deregulation to the politicians trying to fix the mess.  Anyone who pays attention knows that Brown essentially lied.

(4) Voters have a three month memory.  Republicans screwed up our economy for 8 years, so lets get rid of the people trying to fix it and give the republicans another shot.  Morons...

(5) Democrats have no spine.

Common Sense

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