Friday, October 23, 2009

Anti-Gay Rhetoric 101: The "Price" of Prop 8

I got this wonderful article in an email from a friend who uses an aggregator to gather all the emails he's interested in.  It's called "The Price of Prop 8" and it talks about how those people who "protected" marriage in California by donating $100 to the Yes on 8 campaign are being targeted by same-sex marriage activitists.

They chronicle a couple dozen examples of vandalism, harrasment, and violence perpetrated against people with Yes on 8 signs, stickers, or on the donar lists.  They note how dissapointed they are that the public discourse has declined so much, and that these activists should be more accepting of other opinions on this politically and religiously controversial issue.

I'm not a huge fan of this kind of "activism" (if you can really call this activism).  That being said, I'm not particularly inclined to care that much whether or not these people feel intimidated.  The article talks about a group called "Bash Back," and while the methods could easily be a little over the top, the concept makes sense to me.  Prop 8 was nothing more than political gay bashing through a campaign intimidation, distortion, and ignorance.  Just because you do it in the smug, superior manner associated with today's religious extremists, doesn't change what it is.  So, you've got a bunch of prop 8 supporters who are crying because all that crap they've been subjecting us to is finally being thrown back at them.  And I'm supposed to care because...?

Aside from the merits of this article being questionable at best, the support is down right rediculous.  They have 112 citations.  That seems legit right?  Well, I went through the list and guess who they rely on for their information:
Heritage Foundation
Fox News
Alliance Defense Fund
People For the American Way (PFAW)
Christian Examiner v. Bowen (Court Case)

That's an appropriate non-partisan group there right?  Not even close.  The majority of the citations are taken from "witness" statements from the case.  *sigh* I guess this is the crap that passes for reliable information these days.

If you are interested in knowing who you can blame for Prop 8 (and please feel free to boycott or engage in non-violent protest against these people), please visit Californians Against Hate's Dishonor List.

Common Sense

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