Tuesday, October 27, 2009

You Might Be a Racist: "Miscegenation is a Crime" Photo shows up on the RNC website

Oops, someone wasn't watching that facebook feed.  Apparently a proponent of the more hateful brand of neo-conservatism created this photo and put it on the RNC facebook page.

What exactly makes people think this kinda stuff is ok?  I'm all about freedom of speech, but just because you CAN say something, doesn't mean you SHOULD.  Stuff like this, similar to the Louisiana justice of the peace case, deserves condemnation of the highest order and strongest language.  If the RNC really expects anyone to believe that they are not a racist party then they need to smack this down with the same indignation that they throw at the president everyday.  or is Health Care Reform really more abhorrent to them than racism?  maybe thats a question someone needs to ask them.

This photo was legitimately not on the GOP website.  It was on facebook, and someone let it show up on the facebook feed on the GOP main page.  However, the GOP threw a temper tantrum when the same thing happened to MoveOn.org.  At least MoveOn had the good sense to apologize.

Someone should explain to Michael Steele the whole concept of "what goes around comes around."

Common Sense

1 comment:

  1. Michael Steele is easier to comprehend when you know who's coaching him:


