#1 Bill Hemmer Accuses Kevin Jennings of Condoning Statutory Rape:
Average Visitor Rating: Very Biased (9/10)
My Rating: "Please Check Your Facts" with a dash of "Homophobe Much?"
What happened to fact checking? I put this on my blog as soon as I found out about it and I was able to easily find support for Jennings. Not only that, I found information that debunked this whole controversy, and here is Fox News going off on how this guys is condoning rape? come on, a little fact checking please, don't just accept it because it comes from a Conservative source. Oh and did I just hear the anchor claim that it would have been different for a girl???? suddenly he's getting off easy because it was a gay student? what a B***H!!
#2 Martha MacCallum Misquotes VP Biden to Prove a Point:
Average Visitor Rating: Very Biased (9.4/10)
My Rating: "Just Plain Unethical" with a sprinkle of "Please Check Your Facts"
Here is the full VP Biden quote:
Oops, someone screwed up! It's too bad Fox News is too corrupt to fire anyone over something that stupid. Oh well, guess we'll just have to mock them instead. =)
#3 Obama Wants a European Health Care System?
Average Visitor Rating: Very Biased (9.4/10)
My Rating: "Can You Play That Tape a Little Longer?"
Since he wasn't making a statement about Obama wanting a European health care system I'm willing to let this one slide as coincidental and not underhanded subliminal propaganda (and not very good). However, if that is the case, the guy who put this together is kinda stupid.
#4 Accusations of "Reverse Racism" toward Justice Sotomayor:
Average Visitor Rating: Pretty Biased (8.4/10)
My Rating: "Can you play that tape a little longer?" with a dash of "Was that Racist?"
A Savvy move? That's what you're going to say about the motivation to appoint a latina woman?? it couldn't possibly be because she is over qualified, well educated, well regarded, and brings a wonderfully diverse background to the court? If that's not bias, I don't know what is. But lets get back to the meat, shall we. Are we noticing that the same person is asking the same question over and over? is she maybe trying to stroke the flames?
And since when is it racist to suggest that racism might still exist? Yes, a Latina woman is going to see the law differently than a white man, if for no other reason than white men, most of whom have never experienced oppression, probably see the law as a set of rules, while the Litina woman sees it as a vehicle that has been used to oppress minorities and women, and continues to be used in that fashion today. you don't think that is a pretty big difference?
#5 Fox News Uses GOP Talking Points:
Average Visitor Rating: (9.4/10)
My Rating: Two parts "Please Check Your Facts," one part "Oops!"
Wow, ok, so that sounds like legit news right? well actually, check out the date on this slide:
Would you like to know WHY that typo is there? because the copied and pasted it right out of the GOP talking points. Shouldn't people get fired for this garbage?
#6 Democrats want to dismantle PATRIOT ACT:
Average Visitor Rating: Very Biased (9.1/10)
My Rating: equal parts "Just Plain Unethical" and "Just because you say it loud and with gusto doesn't make it true."
Again, just because you yell it at the screen doesn't make it true. What is wrong with these people, is it so hard to check your facts????
#7 The "Death Book":
Average Visitor Rating: Very Biased (9.3/10)
My Rating: This isn't just normal stupid, this is "Sarah Palin" stupid
Someone please spare me this mockery of that facts. Since when is end of life counseling is a bad thing? oh yeah, since we started talking about health care and we can play on people's fears of death. Get over it people, you are going to die one day. When you do, face up to it and do it with a little dignity. I want to hear all my options when I'm close to my end, please don't deny me that option just because you are scared shitless of death.
#8 Fist Bump = Terrorist Fist Jab?
Average Visitor Rating: VERY Biased (9.5/10)
My Rating: It'll be easier for you if you play the "moron" card.
This is just so stupid that she should just claim momentary stupidity (or perhaps permanent stupidity) and move on. It's not clear from the clip whether she is using it or saying that is what others call it, but either way she never should have said it or she should have immediately clarified her words. That is unless she was trying to suggest that he might be a terrorist and if that is the case, then well done lady, well done.
#9 Math is hard for News Anchors:
Average Visitor Rating: VERY Biased (9.5/10)
My Rating: "Please Check Your Facts"

This is just depressing. These people should go check into a high school somewhere and do some serious reviewing. Click here to read two of Bush's budget requests asking for $2.9 Billion in 2007 and $3.1 Billion in 2008. Oops! someone didn't do their homework. And a quick note on why it was so expensive. Obama included the Iraq and Afghanistan wars in his budgets, Bush didn't (those were separate requests). So who really spent more?
#10 Teabagging Parties represent the American People:
Average Visitor Rating: The Most Biased of All (9.6/10)
My Rating: It doesn't get more biased than claiming 20,000 nutjobs on the mall represent the opinions of the other 300,000,000 people in the country.
Are you kidding me with this? I mean really, these people are a bunch of selfish nutjobs who think that they can get something (services, national security, representation, and a COUTRY) for nothing (not paying taxes). You do not get much stupider than these people, and they represent America? I think not, but nice try. Oh yeah, and by the way if those 20,000 people represent America, what about that other equally large protest that happened a few months later? you know the one with all the rainbow flags? oh you conveniently missed that one huh? big f***ing surprise.
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