Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Neo-Con Nutjobs: March for White Civil Rights

Yes, there are people out there stupid enough to think that white people are being denied civil rights.  Now, I'm as critical of the social justice movement as anyone, but I do so not from a "stop and reverse" mentality, but from a "we need an endgame" mentality.  This is far from the lunatics that actually believe that the beating on a bus (which may or may not have been racially motivated in the first place), means that we need to go back to segregated buses to protect white children.

Yes, that language should sound eerily familiar.  It's the same (or similar) to the language used by anti-integration white folks 40 years ago who were opposed to bussing.


Please enjoy this thoroughly entertaining article about one of the Neo-Cons premier thinkers and the fall out from his rediculous rants.


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