Monday, November 2, 2009

Neo-Con Agenda: The "Ship" of State and Anti-Christianity

Oh boy, here's a fun article written by Charles LiMandri (pictured left) from National Organization for Marriage.  Before reading please take a moment to enjoy the flowery, over-the-top title.

The Ship of State is Being Steered Toward a Maelstrom of Anti-Christianity

How do these guys get their Law Degrees?  Please take a moment to reflect on how he quotes a number of different people, but then doesn't really talk about why what they say is bad.  I would assume he doesn't because he doesn't think he has to.  Based on the simple-minded reliosity of his likely readers I'm guessing they don't need an explanation.  For the rest of us, he is basically saying we should continue heterosexual indocrination, because he claims (but provides no justification) that it works...

I think it is somewhat amusing that the author quotes a person who debunks the "heterosexual indocrination" argument, and then goes on to endorse it as though he did not realize the person he quoted had debunked it.

Lets move beyond the whining about Obama actually doing something about discrimination in this country and get to the whole "extremist" argument he promotes.  Is Obama extremist?  Is he out of touch with the average person?  THIS is a legitimate question and one which is worth exploring.

Here are some statistics:
Should homosexuality be accepted by society?
United States: Yes: 49%, No: 41% (Pew Global Attitudes Project)

Here's a couple things you can take away from this:
1) Obama is not only NOT extremist, he is actually in the majority
2) Charles LiMandri's view seems to be in the minority.  If he would like to live in a place where Obama would be extremist he should move to Pelestinian Territories (Yes 9%, No 58%), Kuwait (Yes 6%, No 85%), Jordan (Yes 6%, No 89%), Egypt (1%, 95%), of an African nation.

Here is another study by the Kaiser Family Foundation:
Of the general population (presumably heterosexual):
88% would accept a gay or lesbian family member or friend
88% believe that society should not restrict sexual activity between consenting adults
78% would be comfortable working with someone who is gay
76% support employment non-discrimination policies
74% support housing non-discrimination policies
73% support the inclusion of gays and lesbians in Hate Crime Legislation!
73% believe same sex partners should have inheritance rights
71% would send their children to a high school with a gay or lesbian teacher
70% believe same sex partners should have employer provided health insurance
68% believe same sex partners should have social security benefits
68% of youth believe that sexual orientation should be included in sex ed (61% of seniors)
68% of youth support same-sex unions (Yes 47%, No 46% in the general population)
66% believe that homosexual behavior is normal
61% would send their children to an elementary school with a gay or lesbian teacher
60% of youth support same sex marriage (39% in the general population)
60% would see a gay or lesbian doctor
58% would vote for a gay or lesbian political candidate
56% believe gays and lesbians should be able to serve openly in the military
56% believe that gay couples can be good parents
55% of youth support adoption by gay and lesbian parents (46% in the general population)
47% support legal unions (42% oppose)

here is an interesting statistic I want to point out.  66% of people believe that homosexuality is natural, but 51% believe it is immoral.  Which means there are people out there who truly believe a natural act is immoral... isn't the whole point of that natural law mentality that all those things that are natural are moral.  or from the religious view, if god made something natural, than he wouldn't have made it immoral?  it astounds me how rediculous people are sometimes.

so, based on all this information who is really out of touch and extremist?  I think you know my answer to that question.

Common Sense

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