Friday, November 6, 2009

You Might Be a Racist: Special Screenings for Muslim Soldier

Check out this video:

You know, I never thought I would think Geraldo Rivera would say anything worth hearing, but you know, in this segment I kinda fond myself agreeing with some of the things he said.  Clearly, his family has a history of being singled out in racial terms and so it's nice to hear him expressing that story to attempt to stop the race baiting going on in the room.  I wish he had stopped short of saying that this guy got off easy because he was a muslim, but we'll give Geraldo credit for not being totally nuts today.

As for everyone else.  Really?  this is the first time since the US "War on Terror" began that something like this has happened.  don't you think it's a little inappropriate and incendiary to claim that it part of a bigger problem?  Yes, he should have been screened out when he made the more sketchy comments but you can't lump him in with a whole group of people especially in the military where the only people who would want to get into that are patriots.  This is not a racial or religious issue (although I think there is an argument to be made here that religion is once again front and center in a bad way), the issue is what kind of person enters the military?

Even though I'm sure I could easily be called unpatriotic for saying this, you have to ask yourself is this indicative of a larger problem in the armed forces?  We all know that the armed forces is the perfect place to go when you are in the closet and want to stay that way.  It's also the perfect place for kids from the streets and troubled youths whose parents don't want to deal with them anymore.  I'll admit that there is probably a fair number of true "patriots" in the military who want to do good in the world, but our military is also home to people who have serious mental problems, and we sweep that under the rug because its not PC to say so.  The reason no one called this guy out wasn't the fact that he was Muslim, it was because of misdirected "hero worship" that allows the military to continue to be a safe-zone for people to avoid treatment for mental problems or suppress their own psychological battles.  If we didn't want this to happen again we would double both the number of WELL TRAINED psychologists on military bases and the services we provide to service men and women.  And just to be safe we would provide exceptional services for the military psychologists themselves, who probably need services even more than a normal psychologist.  But that would make too much sense, so instead, we're going to take the easy road and we're going to blame Muslims.  God Bless America!

Common Sense

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