Saturday, October 17, 2009

Neo-Con Agenda: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due?

Ok so here is an interesting progression that's been happening on a certain disreputable news channel.

Since Obama has taken office the Fox News Channel has used the following sound bites to try and keep the blame off of Bush.

First, You can't blame Bush for the recession, blame Wall Street!

Then, You should blame Clinton!

Next, You should blame Obama because he's fighting with Wall Street, and what's good for Wall Street is good for Mains street, so Obama is hurting you! (anybody noticing the convenient reversal?)

Here is the most recent theory out of Fox News:

So, it's ok to blame Bush now, just as long as we give him credit for fixing it too.  Because it's all or nothing.  Either Bash screwed it up and fixed it, or Obama screwed it up and we should vote him out.

Well, let me just throw out a third option.  Bush screwed up the economy, and Obama is fixing it.  doesn't that seem like the most likely answer.  The economy fails after 8 years of Bush's borrow to spend mentality giving us two trillion dollar wars, massive tax cuts that helped rich people, and serious deregulation that allowed lenders to balloon their profits by basically creating money out of thin air.  There is some evidence that WE as consumers are also at fault, I mean it's not like our credit card lifestyles were a great choice.  But in the end Obama is fixing stuff.  He could afford to speed it up a little, but things are going in the right direction.

I think I might be right, and I think Mr. Cavuto might be full of cow poop.

Common Sense

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