Monday, October 19, 2009

Neo-Con Agenda: Mainstreaming Extremism

Here is an interesting article I found today.  Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) was asked at the Western Conservative Political Action Conference whether he agreed with the impeachement efforts of Floyd Brown (a truly nutty neo-conservative extremist).  Floyd has been arguing that President Obama is a very dangerous man who is threatening our liberties and should thus be impeached.  What exactly is he guilty of you ask?  why, the high crime of being "liberal" of course.  (for anyone with half a brain it should be obvious that this is a far FAR cry from the required "high crimes and misdemeanors" required by the constitution for an impeachment to happen.

Anyway, the Republican congressman from California was asked what he thought and he responded that while he did recognize Obama's "Marxist background," he did not think this was enough to impecah the guy.


So, here's my problem with this.  Everyone calls out people who are more extreme than themselves, but what happened here is that when you ask an extremist to comment on an ultra-extremist, you make the extremist look more moderate than they really are.  Everyone is jumping off the deep end talking about how EVEN this nut job thinks Floyd Brown is crazy.  Well, no one is talking about that little justifier Rep. Rohrabacher snuck under the radar.

Obama is NOT a Marxist, nor has he ever been, nor will he ever be.  Any person who truly in their heart of hearts believes that Obama is a Marxist should go back to their high school and demand a refund of their tuition or tax dollars because you are an idiot.  The most liberal of all democrats in this country don't even come close to Marxism.  Even our ONE socialist in the House of Representatives would be a VERY conservative Marxist, if he was at all.  Why?  Because Obama is not killing off all his opponants and the wealthy people for their money.  Obama is not advocating a revolt by the working class.  He is recommending that maybe rich people should go back to paying their fair share of the tax burden.

So here is a quiz on your knowledge of Obama's economic plan:
Option A (Liberalism): Obama raises taxes on the top 5% of Americans by no more than 10% so that rich people are paying 1/3 of what they used to pay in taxes instead of 1/4 like they did under Reagan and Bush 2.
Option B (Socialism): Obama takes ALL of your money no matter who you are and redistributes it according to need.
Option C (Marxism): Obama sparks a working class revolt, where the working class rises up and takes the money from the rich and then takes over the government.
Option D (Communism/Lenonism): Obama kills off all Republican politicians and any person who advocates republicans ideology will be killed by the Obama death squads or sent to Alaskan labor camps.  Obama then kill off all liberal democrats who disagree with him and installs himself as the sole ruler of the country instituting a massive suppression of anyone else who dissagrees with him.  He then dictates to the people what jobs they will work and how much they will get paid based on need and job skills.

If you chose anything except "Option A" you are an idiot who needs a history lesson.

I find myself continuing to ask, how can anyone be so stupid and uneducated as to believe that Obama is anything further left than a traditional American Democrat?  Once again I can only assume it is the result of the neo-conservative campaign to destroy education and further scare people into voting for them.  Un-american would be an understatement I think.

Common Sense

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure Obama isn't killing people? I keep hearing about these death panels. Thank god Sarah Palin is going to save the day in 2012 (and kick those Mayan doomsday theorists with her Patriot punches and hockey mom thunder mega Alaska kicks). She is the Chuck Norris of Main street USA.

    Oh, (AHAHAHAHA) I'm sorry - I couldn't do it with a straight face.

    Hugs and Kisses the Corinthians -
