Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Neo-Con Nutjobs: Hate Crimes Bill = Legalizing Bestiality, Pedophilia, and Necrophilia

WOW, sometimes it's just hard to listen to these people

Just to clarify a point he seems to have missed:
Sexual Orientation = Physical and Emotional Attraction to a Gender

Sex with Children = Attraction to a given age range isn't that uncommon, however it is NOT an orientation.  Why?  because how can you argue that you have an emotional attraction to an age that is emotionally unstable and developing?  if you do, then chances are you have emotional problems yourself.  Which supports the idea that pedophilia results from a mental/developmental condition or problem.  And in the case of extreme pedophilia, you have an attraction to individuals who have no emotional self-concept at all.

But lets say for the sake of argument that it WAS an orientation.  The state has a very strong vested interest in the healthy sexual development of children, and we know from research that allowing them to have sexual partners who are many years older than them can have lasting consequences for this sexual development.  So there is still a good reason to make this behavior illegal.

Sex with Animals - Attraction to a species (again different from gender, duh!).  Again we go back to the physical and emotional attraction piece.  You cannot be emotionally attracted to something that does not have emotions in the same way that we are able to conceptualize and perceive them.  This is a behavior, NOT an orientation.

Again, lets say it was an orientation.  Does the state have an interest in outlawing this practice.  I can't imagine a person would survive an attempted sexual encounter with a wild animal (i.e. bear f***er) so lets assume you are talking about farm animals or pets.  I'd rather not have my farmer doing things with his farm animals, and considering we are going to be eating those animals eventually, it's prolly best if we don't go there.  as for pets, I'm pretty sure pets can't consent, and don't know any better, so it would probably quality as abuse.

Lastly, WHO THE F*** does this kind of stuff???  is it really a problem?  is there a significant population in the US doing this and I'm just completely lost about it?  do we really need a law to police what people do on a farm in the middle of no where that no one cares about?  yuck.

Sex with Dead People is just disturbing and since they are dead, no emotions, thus NOT an orientation.

lets say it is, I DON'T WANT YOU VIOLATING MY DEAD RELATIVES!  thus state interest in prohibiting it.


Common Sense

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